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                    "IMPORTANT SETBACK UPDATE"

Michael Danchuk had a meeting with county staff on November  16, 2005 regarding the dispute over the recent setback changes that were made.
The county staff has proposed the following to make the changes that were made in 2004 more in line with what we feel the setbacks originally were. Please provide us immediate feedback on this issue as we hope to get the "corrections" implemented on a fast track if possible, as it is affecting residents who are planning to add to their homes. The compromise the county is proposing will help with accessory dwellings, but has no impact on the principal dwelling setbacks. 

Sec.1.F.4.B.1.c Nonconforming lots
Nonconforming lots that are 100 feet or less in width and 100 feet or less in depth may apply a 25-foot setback from the affected property line.
4. Accessary Dwellings on properties equal or less than 1.5 acres may utilize a 25 foot setback provided the following standards are met:
a. Prior to Certificate of Occupancy a solid 5 foot fence or hedge shall be installed along the property line adjacent to the length of the accessory unit, and
b. Ingress/egress to the unit shall face into the property and not be adjacent to the adjoining property line.

Donald Ross Landowners Association