Today we had our first victory in our opposition to the Zoning variance request for the CLF facilities! Through the tireless efforts of the Zoning Committee and numerous residents, who provided their time and expertise, we were able to provide the County with valuable information.
As a result, the applicant will be submitting new site plans submitted to the Development Review Officer (DRO) for recertification, causing a delay of the July 3rd and July 25th public hearings. New hearing dates TBD by DRO process.
The applicant has been directed by the county to address building and code enforcement issues and to produce details explaining how both sites are operating now and in the future, including number of residents, services provided onsite and offsite, State licenses, and other relevant information. The applicant has expressed the desire to expand the footprint of the buildings, and new site plans are anticipated to reflect this.
We need to stay focused and move forward as there will be many more challenges ahead of us.
The response to our request for donations has been outstanding!
P.O. Box 30638
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
Congregate Living Facility Update (7/4/2019)
Attorney & Urban Planner
An attorney and an Urban Planner have been retained to represent the community.
The attorney is Neil M Schiller from the Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr law offices.
The urban planner is Michele C. Mellgren from The Mellgren Planning Group.
Both of these individuals are leaders in their specialties and the Community is fortunate that they will be helping us with our opposition to allowing a CLF Type 2 facility in the community.
We hate to say this but it must be said.
We understand that many of you may have some ideas or suggestions but do not contact either of these individuals or their offices.
If you have something that you believe might help us, then email the information to the Association’s email: pbcegroup@gmail.com
Applicant’s Zoning Variance Request
As indicted in our June 18th email the applicant has pulled his original zoning variance request and plans on submitting new site plans for re-certification. The applicants representatives last contacted us on June 26th to advise they are working on new plans and that at some point and time they will schedule a meeting with the community.
As we are advised we will keep you advised.
$$$ DONATIONS – We Need Your Support
Because of the donations from 137 folks we were able to pay $15,000 in retainers for the attorney and urban planner.
We anticipate that we may need to raise more than our original target. There are approximately 1466 property owners in the community. That means we have donations from just 9% of the community.
Many of you may have been waiting to donate once we retained the attorney and urban planner. Now that we have them please move forward with your donation.
To donate, click the PayPal link below or mail a check to:
PBCE Landowners Association
PO Box 30638, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420
Indicate CLF on the memo line.
Thanks so very very much to those who have already donated. We hope that more of you will be able to help the community with opposing these zoning variances.
URGENT: Donations needed NOW to fight group homes expansion
Goal: $40,000. Dedicated PayPal account created.
A special committee of residents, along with the PBCE Landowners Association Board, is aggressively working to fight these zoning applications to dramatically increase the size of group homes that currently provide rehabilitative services to adolescent boys in PBCE. The owner’s applications request an increase from 6 beds per home to up to 14 beds per home, plus counselors, or possibly 18-20 occupants per home at one time. Approval of these applications would fundamentally change the nature of PBCE as a single family residential community.
We are on a very tight timeline, with a lot of work required to fully support our position, leading up to the Zoning Commission public hearing on July 3rd and the Board of County Commissioners public hearing on July 25th. We need your financial support now more than ever!
We have been working with highly regarded subject-matter experts, who have generously offered their time at no charge to assist us with planning the best strategy for the zoning approval process and developing key arguments. We are now at a point where we need to retain paid legal and zoning experts to represent us going forward.
In order to have the best chance of success at the upcoming public hearings, we need to raise $30,000 as quickly as possible to be able to retain these experts.
A special PayPal account for online donations has been created and can be accessed via the link below or Donate button on this website. PayPal is the fastest, easiest, and most secure way to make your donation. Any donations made will be used exclusively for this call to action. We will be very grateful for any donations, but for those with the financial means, we are asking for $100 or more, in order to ensure that we are able to attain this short-term urgent need.
Donations may also be made by check payable to PBCE Landowners Association. Please write ‘CLF’ in the memo section and mail to PBCELA, PO Box 30638, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420.
URGENT: Please donate TODAY. Thank you!!!
PayPal Link: Click Here to DONATE NOW!
Current Issue Facing our Neighborhood:
Please read the June edition of Countryside Living to get the up-to-date Information:
June 2019 Newsletter (PDF – 6mb)
- Teen Addiction Treatment Centers in PBCE
- Page 1: Understanding the Issue: Increased Capacity Type 2 CLF
Applications - Page 5: Zoning Committee Progress Report
- Page 6: Board Response to Donation Inquiries
- Page 7: What You Can Do To Help
- Page 10: PBCE CLF Owner Makes the News and Appears Before a
- Page 1: Understanding the Issue: Increased Capacity Type 2 CLF
PBCE Association Opposition to Zoning Variance
Read our post outlining our opposition to the Zoning variance request. It provides background on why we oppose, details on upcoming County meetings as well as what you can do: