We Need Your Signatures on the Petition
Last week was great! Between the meeting and the park we were able to collect hundreds of signatures. Thanks to everyone who came out. The response was wonderful for having a weeknight meeting and a holiday weekend.
We are not done – we need many more signatures. All of our signatures will show Zoning and the Commissioners how united we are against the variances being requested. Please let your neighbors know to come on over!
Here are some more opportunities:
Saturday, June 1st:
Volunteers will be stopping by a few of the bus stops with the opposition flyer & petitions.
(Note: there is a link to the flyer below – please take some with you to your bus stop)
Volunteers Needed to Canvas the Neighborhood
Looking for residents to help collect signatures.
Email pbcegroup@gmail.com for details.
The requirements to sign are that you are older than 18, you live in Palm Beach County, one signature per person but both spouses can sign.
Late Friday, the applicant requested a 30 day postponement for their hearings before the Zoning Commission & the County Commissioners.
New Dates
Zoning – July 3rd
Commissioners – July 25th
Please mark your calendars – the July 3rd date is not ideal but this is important and everyone that can needs to make the effort to be in attendance.
Sample Letter to Board of County Commissioners & Zoning Commission
The previous letter has been REVISED to add the address and email for the Zoning Commission. They also need to hear from us. If you have not sent a letter please do so and if you have please do one for the Zoning Commission
PBCE Opposition Flyer
We have updated the flyer to reflect the new hearing dates
We are using email, Facebook and Nextdoor to get out the word. If you are receiving this email then you are on our email list.
Facebook – there are two PBCE pages. We are posting on the Palm Beach Country Estates Landowners page. This page is strictly for PBCE landowners. The other page includes people outside the community. If you have not joined Landowners please do so. Our postings on Nextdoor are limited to our community.
Thanks for getting to the end of this post.
Stay tuned for updates.